Paolo Michele Patocchi's


P.M. Patocchi / D. Durante, SWITZERLAND, in: BOSMAN (Ed.), International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, Alphen aan den Rijn 2023, Switzerland – 1-124.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: C. JERMINI), Art. 192 of the Swiss Federal Private International Law Act, 1987, in: GROLIMUND/LOACKER/SCHNYDER (Eds.), Basler Kommentar — Internationales Privatrecht (IPRG), 4th ed., Basle 2021, 2267-2289.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: C. JERMINI), Art. 194 of the Swiss Federal Private International Law Act, 1987, in: GROLIMUND/LOACKER/SCHNYDER (Eds.), Basler Kommentar — Internationales Privatrecht (IPRG), 4th ed., Basle 2021, 2296-2346.

P.M. Patocchi, Choosing a President – What Makes the Chair Different? / Başhakemin Seçimi – Başhakemi Farklı Kılan Nedir?, in: AKINCI/GREINEDER/YASAN TEPETAŞ (Eds.), Launching Your Arbitration: The First Submissions and Choosing Your Arbitrator / Tahkimde Davanın Açılması: İlk Dilekçeler ve Hakem Seçimi, ISTAC Publications – 2 / ISTAC Yayınları – 2, Istanbul 2020 / İstanbul 2020, 45-74 / 43-73.

P.M. Patocchi, The Prague Rules on the Efficient Conduct of Proceedings in International Arbitration: A Step Forward?, in: Aygül/Erdoğan (Eds.), International Arbitration Symposium 25-26 April 2019/Ankara, Ankara 2020, 145-187.

P.M. Patocchi, Il controllo (aspetti di diritto svizzero), Dopo il lodo – L’esperienza giuridica italiana e comparata. Equivalenze e diversità rispetto alla sentenza del giudice, Rivista dell’arbitrato 2/2019, 227-237.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: T. NIEDERMAIER), UNCITRAL—Schiedsgerichtsordnung, in: Schütze (Ed.), Institutionelle Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit — Kommentar, 3rd ed., Cologne 2018, 963-1172, 1640-1658.

P.M. Patocchi / P. Marzolini, La deroga convenzionale della giurisdizione in favore dell’arbitrato, in: Benedettelli/Consolo/Radicati Di Brozolo (Eds.), Commentario breve al diritto dell’arbitrato nazionale ed internazionale, 2nd ed., Milan 2017, 715-792.

P.M. Patocchi, Arbitration ex aequo et bono (“amiable composition”), Revista Română de Arbitraj 4/2017, 19-40.

P.M. Patocchi, “Switzerland”, in: Bosman (Ed.), International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, Alphen aan den Rijn 2017, Switzerland – 1-98.

P.M. Patocchi (co-authors: P. TERCIER/J.-F. TOSSENS), L’usage des langues en arbitrage, Revue de l’arbitrage 2016 – No. 3, 749-790.

P.M. Patocchi, L’arbitre peut-il être nommé selon une modalité non-paritaire ?, in: Affaki/Grigera Naón (Eds.), Jurisdictional Choices in Times of Trouble / Le choix de la Juridiction dans tous ses états, Dossier XII of the ICC Institute of World Business Law, Paris 2015, 118-135.

P.M. Patocchi, Justice by Specialists: Advantages and Risks (Real and Perceived), in: Geisinger/Trabaldo-de Mestral (Eds.), Sports Arbitration, a Coach for Other Players?, ASA Special Series No. 41, New York 2015, 31-57.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: R. Briner), The Role of the President of the Arbitral Tribunal, in: Newman/Hill (Eds.), The Leading Arbitrators’ Guide to International Arbitration, 3rd ed., New York 2014, 281-304.

P.M. Patocchi, Les mesures provisionnelles en arbitrage international / Provisional Measures in International Arbitration, in: Bernasconi (Ed.), International Sports Law and Jurisprudence of the CAS — 4th Conference CAS & FSA/SAV Lausanne 2012, Berne 2014, 55-83.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: C. Jermini), Art. 194 of the Swiss Federal Private International Law Act, 1987, in: Honsell/Vogt/Schnyder/Berti (Eds.), Basler Kommentar — Internationales Privatrecht (IPRG), 3rd ed., Basle 2013, 2083-2133.

P.M. Patocchi, Party Autonomy vs. Case Management in International Arbitration, Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi C. XXIX Sa. 2’den 2013, 126-163.

P.M. Patocchi (co-editor: M. Scherer), The Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports, 2010 Volume 4 Nos. 1 & 2, New York 2013, 1129 pages.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: C. Jermini), Art. 192 of the Swiss Federal Private International Law Act, 1987, in: Honsell/Vogt/Schnyder/Berti (Eds.), Basler Kommentar — Internationales Privatrecht (IPRG), 3rd ed., Basle 2013, 2055-2076.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: T. Niedermaier), UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, in: Schütze (Ed.), Institutional Arbitration, Munich/Oxford/Baden-Baden 2013, 1007-1249, 1462-1499.

P.M. Patocchi (co-editor: M. Scherer), The Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports, 2007 — 2009 Volumes 1 — 3, Consolidated, New York 2012, 610 pages.

P.M. Patocchi / P. Marzolini, Arts. 22, 23 and 24 of the Arbitration Rules of the Chamber of Arbitration of Milan, in: Draetta/Luzzatto (Eds.), The Chamber of Arbitration of Milan Rules — A Commentary, New York 2012, 305-382.

P.M. Patocchi, “Switzerland”, in: Rhoades/Kolkey/Chernick (Eds.), Practitioner’s Handbook on International Arbitration and Mediation, 3rd ed., New York 2012, 951-1100.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: X. Favre-Bulle), Case Notes on International Arbitration, SZIER/RSDIE 2/2012, 365-408.

P.M. Patocchi / P. Marzolini, I terzi e il procedimento arbitrale nella prospettiva internazionale, Rivista dell’arbitrato 4/2012, 783-798.

P.M. Patocchi (co-editor: M. Scherer), The Swiss International Sports Arbitration Reports, Volume 1, New York 2012, 597 pages.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: T. Niedermaier), UNCITRAL—Schiedsgerichtsordnung, in: Schütze (Ed.), Institutionelle Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit — Kommentar, 2nd ed., Berlin 2011, 713-867.

P.M. Patocchi, The revised UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (2010), Revista Română de Arbitraj 2/2011, 32-40.

P.M. Patocchi, UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules — What Is New after the First Revision?, in: Python & Peter (Eds.), L’éclectique juridique — Recueil d’articles en l’honneur de Jacques Python, Berne/Geneva/Zurich/Basle 2011, 245-301.

P.M. Patocchi (co-editor: M. Scherer), The Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports, 2009 Volume 3 Nos. 1 & 2, New York 2010, 544 pages.

P.M. Patocchi, L’administration de la preuve dans l’arbitrage international, à la lumière du débat sur le monisme et le dualisme de la législation en matière d’arbitrage, in: Bonomi/Bochatay (Eds.), Arbitrage interne et international, Actes du colloque de Lausanne du 2 octobre 2009, Comparativa 79, Geneva 2010, 53-81.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: C. Piscioneri Di Meglio), La deroga convenzionale della giurisdizione in favore dell’arbitrato, in: Benedettelli/Consolo/Radicati Di Brozolo (Eds.), Commentario breve al diritto dell’arbitrato nazionale ed internazionale, Milan 2010, 619-681.

P.M. Patocchi (co-editor: M. Scherer), The Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports, 2008 Volume 2 No. 1, New York 2009, 268 pages.

P.M. Patocchi (co-editor: M. Scherer), The Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports, 2008 Volume 2 No. 2, New York 2009, 316 pages.

P.M. Patocchi (co-editor: M. Scherer), The Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports, 2007 Volume 1 Nos. 1 & 2, New York 2008, 386 pages.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: R. Briner), “Switzerland”, in: Paulsson (Ed.), International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, Austin/Boston/Chicago/New York/The Netherlands 2008, Switzerland 1-47.

P.M. Patocchi, Perizie di parte nell’arbitrato internazionale, in: GASI — Gruppo ASA della Svizzera italiana, 28 febbraio 2008, Lugano 2008, 20 pages.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: C. Jermini), Art. 194 of the Swiss Federal Private International Law Act, 1987, in: Honsell/Vogt/Schnyder/Berti (Eds.), Basler Kommentar — Internationales Privatrecht (IPRG), 2nd ed., Basle 2007, 1806-1850.

P.M. Patocchi, “Switzerland”, in: Rhoades/Kolkey/Chernick (Eds.), Practitioner’s Handbook on International Arbitration and Mediation, 2nd ed., New York 2007, 861-974.

P.M. Patocchi, Deciding on the Costs of the Arbitration — Selected Topics, in: Wirth (Ed.), The Resolution of the Dispute – from the Hearing to the Award, Conference of 26 January 2007 in Geneva, ASA Special Series No. 29, Basle 2007, 49-69.

P.M. Patocchi, The Practice of the Special Committee of the Swiss Chambers of Commerce in the Administration of Arbitrations Conducted Under the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration (2004-2007), in: Müller (Ed.), New Developments in International Commercial Arbitration 2007, 26 November 2007, Zurich/Basle/Geneva 2007, 91-110.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: C. Jermini), Art. 192 of the Swiss Federal Private International Law Act, 1987, in: Honsell/Vogt/Schnyder/Berti (Eds.), Basler Kommentar — Internationales Privatrecht (IPRG), 2nd ed., Basle 2007, 1782-1802

P.M. Patocchi, UNCITRAL Schiedsgerichtsordnung, in: Schütze (Ed.), Institutionelle Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit — Kommentar, Berlin 2006, 665-798.

P.M. Patocchi, Book review of Schäfer, Eric/Verbist, Herman/Imhoos, Christophe, ICC Arbitration in Practice, Berne 2005, Bull. ASA 2005, 565-571.

P.M. Patocchi, “Switzerland”, in: Rhoades/Kolkey/Chernick (Eds.), Practitioner’s Handbook on International Arbitration and Mediation, New York 2005, III.7-1 to III.7-96.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: H. Frey-Brentano), The Provisional Timetable in International Arbitration, in: Aksen/Böckstiegel/Mustill/Whitesell/Patocchi (Eds.), Global Reflections on International Law, Commerce and Dispute Resolution — Liber Amicorum in honour of Robert Briner, Paris 2005, 575-599.

P.M. Patocchi, ICC Arbitration — An Introduction, in: Herbert Smith/Gleiss Lutz/Esin & Co., Istanbul International Arbitration Day, Istanbul 2003, 28 pages.

P.M. Patocchi, Jurisdiction of the Swiss Courts and Applicable Law, in: New Square Chambers/Lenz & Staehelin, Defending Trusts and Trustees, 13 November 2003, Geneva 2003, 37 pages.

P.M. Patocchi, “Switzerland”, in: Rhoades/Kolkey/Chernick (Eds.), Practitioner’s Handbook on International Arbitration and Mediation, New York 2002, III.7-1 to III.7-92.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: C. Jermini), Art. 192 of the Swiss Federal Private International Law Act, 1987, in: Berti/Honsell/Vogt/Schnyder (Eds.), International Arbitration in Switzerland, Basle 2000, 597-619.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: C. Jermini), Art. 194 of the Swiss Federal Private International Law Act, 1987, in: Berti/Honsell/Vogt/Schnyder (Eds.), International Arbitration in Switzerland, Basle 2000, 625-675.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: E. Geisinger), IPRG, Zurich 2000, 1993 pages.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: S. Lembo), Le lien suffisant de la créance avec la Suisse en tant que condition de recevabilité du séquestre selon la nouvelle teneur de l’art. 271 al. 1er ch. 4 LP. Quelques observations, in: Angst/Cometta/Gasser (Eds.), Schuldbetreibung und Konkurs im Wandel. FS 75 Jahre Konferenz der Betreibungs- und Konkursbeamten der Schweiz, Basle/Geneva/Munich 2000, 385-408.

P.M. Patocchi, Demandes et exceptions de nature délictuelle dans l’arbitrage international : arbitrabilité, compétence arbitrale et détermination de la loi applicable selon le droit suisse et la pratique internationale – Quelques observations, in : Bénédict/Marville/Roux/Schlosser/Schupp (Eds.), Responsabilité civile et assurance — Etudes en l’honneur de Baptiste Rusconi, Lausanne 2000, 237-265.

P.M. Patocchi, Book review of Bonomi, Andrea: Le norme imperative nel diritto internazionale privato, Zurich 1998, Uniform Law Review/Revue de droit uniforme 1999, 1055-1060.

P.M. Patocchi, Book review of Reisman, Michael/Craig, W. Laurence/Park, William/Paulsson Jan, International Commercial Arbitration. Cases, Materials and Notes on the Resolution of International Business Disputes, New York 1997, International Business Lawyer (December) 1999, 5-7.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: X. Favre-Bulle), Les Principes UNIDROIT relatifs aux contrats du commerce international. Une introduction, Sem. Jud. 1998, 569-616.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: G. Schiavello), Arbitrato irrituale: How Should it Be Handled in a Non-Italian Jurisdiction? A Discussion from a Swiss Perspective, Arb. Disp. Res. L. J. 1998, 132-151.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author), Drafting an Effective Arbitration Clause, European Counsel 1998, III (April), 17-28.

P.M. Patocchi, Choosing Arbitration Rules, European Counsel 1998, VII (September), 37-50.

P.M. Patocchi, Del significato e degli effetti di clausole d’”arbitrato irrituale estero”, in: Caimi/Cometta/Corti (Eds.), Il Ticino e il diritto, Lugano 1997, 535-564.

P.M. Patocchi, The New York Convention — The Swiss Practice, in: The New York Convention of 1958, ASA Special Series No. 9, Zurich 1996, 145-207.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: C. Jermini), Art. 194 of the Swiss Federal Private International Law Act, 1987, in: Honsell/Vogt/Schnyder (Eds.), Kommentar zum schweizerischen Privatrecht — IPR, Basle 1996, 1730-1777.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: C. Jermini), Art. 192 of the Swiss Federal Private International Law Act, 1987, in: Honsell/Vogt/Schnyder (Eds.), Kommentar zum schweizerischen Privatrecht — IPR, Basle 1996, 1705-1726.

P.M. Patocchi, Il nuovo regolamento d’arbitrato di Lugano: prime osservazioni, in: Liber Amicorum Gerardo Broggini, Milan 1996, 381-399.

P.M. Patocchi, Il nuovo regolamento d’arbitrato di Lugano e il Ticino quale piazza arbitrale internazionale, Bollettino dell’Ordine degli Avvocati 1996, 381-399.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: I. Meakin), Procedure and the Taking of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration. The Interaction of Civil Law and Common Law Procedures, Int’l Bus. L. J. 1996, 884-899.

P.M. Patocchi (co-authors: P. Karrer and K. Arnold), Switzerland’s Private International Law, Doordrecht 1994, 390 pages.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: E. Geisinger), Code de droit international privé suisse annoté, avec la Convention de Lugano, Lausanne 1994, 914 pages.

P.M. Patocchi, Il riconoscimento e l’esecuzione delle decisioni estere secondo la Convenzione di Lugano, in: Commissione ticinese per la formazione dei giuristi (Ed.), La Convenzione di Lugano sulla competenza e le decisioni estere, Lugano 1994, 53-107.

P.M. Patocchi, Book review of Dasser, Felix: Internationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und lex mercatoria. Rechtsvergleichender Beitrag zur Diskussion über ein nicht-staatliches Handelsrecht, Zurich 1989, RabelsZ. 1993, 547-553.

P.M. Patocchi, Characteristic Performance: A New Myth in the Conflict of Laws? Some Comments on a Recent Concept in the Swiss and European Private International Law of Contract, in: Mélanges Pierre Lalive, Geneva 1993, 113-139.

P.M. Patocchi, La legge applicabile alle società nel nuovo diritto internazionale privato svizzero, Le Società 1993, 1279-1283.

P.M. Patocchi, Il riconoscimento e l’esecuzione delle decisioni estere secondo la Convenzione di Lugano, Repertorio di giurisprudenza patria 1992, 53-107.

P.M. Patocchi, La reconnaissance et l’exécution des jugements étrangers selon la Convention de Lugano, CEDIDAC, Lausanne 1992, 91-151.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: Dr. Anne-Catherine Imhoff-Scheier), L’acte illicite et l’enrichissement illégitime dans le nouveau droit international privé suisse/ Torts and Unjust Enrichment in the New Swiss Conflict of Laws, Geneva 1990, 206 pages.

P.M. Patocchi (co-author: Prof. Pierre Lalive), L’arbitrato e il fallimento internazionale, in: Broggini (Ed.), Il nuovo diritto internazionale privato in Svizzera, Quaderni giuridici italo-svizzeri, Milan 1990, 321-359.

P.M. Patocchi, I contratti internazionali, in: Broggini (Ed.), Il nuovo diritto internazionale privato in Svizzera, Quaderni giuridici italo-svizzeri, Milan 1990, 183-250.

P.M. Patocchi, Il giurista di espressione italiana e la common law, Repertorio di giurisprudenza patria 1989, 3-20.

P.M. Patocchi, Le nouveau droit international privé suisse des contrats: compétence internationale, reconnaissance et exécution des jugements étrangers et loi applicable, in: Droit international privé/Convention de Lugano, Publication FSA, Vol. 7, Zurich 1989, 61-121.

P.M. Patocchi, Das neue internationale Vertragsrecht der Schweiz: Internationale Zuständigkeit, Anerkennung und Vollstreckung ausländischer Entscheidungen und Anwendbares Recht, in: Internationales Privatrecht/Lugano-Abkommen, Schriftenreihe SAV, Vol. 7, Zurich 1989, 7-59.

P.M. Patocchi, Il nuovo diritto internazionale privato svizzero. Prima parte: i contratti, Repertorio di giurisprudenza patria 1988, 3-104.

P.M. Patocchi, Il nuovo diritto internazionale privato svizzero. Seconda parte: l’atto illecito, Repertorio di giurisprudenza patria 1988, 105-148.

P.M. Patocchi, Book review of La Convenzione di Roma sulla legge applicabile alle obbligazioni contrattuali, Ed. Scuola di Notariato A. Anselmi, Rome, Am J. Comp. L. 34 (1986), 388-391.

P.M. Patocchi, Règles de rattachement localisatrices et règles de rattachement à caractère substantiel. De quelques aspects de la diversification de la méthode conflictuelle en Europe (Ph.D. Thesis), Geneva 1985 (Etudes suisses de droit international, Vol. 42), 376 pages + xvi.

P.M. Patocchi, Book review of J.-P. Regli, Contrats d’Etat et arbitrage entre Etats et personnes privées, Geneva 1983, and of D. Hahn, L’arbitrage commercial international en Suisse face aux règles de la concurrence de la CEE, Geneva 1983, Bull. ASA 1984, 114-126.

P.M. Patocchi, Book review of A.-C. Imhoff-Scheier, Protection du consommateur et contrats internationaux, Geneva 1981, 47 RabelsZ 1983, 398-399.